Live at IDS: Introducing CITROX® to the profession

The International Dental Show (IDS), held in Cologne in Germany, this year was the backdrop for the launch of CURAPROX Perio Plus+. The antiseptic range contains CITROX®, distinguishing Perio Plus+ from other antiseptics, thanks to the organic antibacterial’s ability to complement chlorhexidine’s effect while reducing its side effects. However, the wider community of dental professionals are largely unfamiliar with its properties and advantages. At IDS, two CITROX®, experts presented the substance to the dental profession in lectures—available for free viewing on the Dental Tribune Study Club platform archive.

At the invitation of CURADEN, Dr David Williams, Professor of Oral Microbiology at Cardiff University in the UK, gave a presentation titled “The need to manage the ‘sticky’ problem of oral biofilms” on 12 March. In it, Prof. Williams spoke about a study in which he compared five different mouthwashes regarding their ability to break down biofilm in the mouth. Most notably, the mouthwash containing a combination of CITROX®, and chlorhexidine was the most effective, and more effective than a mouthwash containing either agent alone. One explanation for this synergy is that chlorhexidine and CITROX® target different components of biofilm bacteria. Prof. Williams’s lecture can be viewed here.


The second speaker was Richard Thomas, who was one of the first to realise CITROX®’s potential as an antibacterial and has been central in the development of CITROX® for oral health care products. His presentation, titled “How natural ingredients like CITROX® enhance the effects of chlorhexidine” and held on 13 March, centred on Perio Plus+’s naturally enhanced effects due to the combination of chlorhexidine and CITROX®, as well as the polypeptide polylysine, which increases CITROX®’s substantivity. Because of the added benefits of the natural antiseptics, lower levels of chlorhexidine can be used and side effects such as staining, irritation of the mucosa and altered taste can be avoided. Watch Richards’ presentation here.